Sign Documents

How do I sign a Docusign document?
Learn how to sign a Docusign document after receiving an email requesting your signature.
FAQ: Docusign signing
Answers to common questions like how to correct an envelope, how to contact a sender, and how to download documents.
Use a Security Code to access Docusign documents
Access documents with the 33-digit security code provided.
Sign and Return a Document with the Docusign Mobile App for iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)
Learn how to sign and return a document from your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch, follow these steps.
Sign and Return a Document with the Docusign Mobile App for Android
Follow these steps to learn how to sign and return a document using the Docusign Mobile App for Android devices.
Troubleshoot common signing issues
Read this article to learn how to resolve several common issues a signer can run into while signing a Docusign envelope.
Error: Envelope or Account Activation Not Found
Explanation and troubleshooting for "Envelope or Account Activation Not Found" errors.
Saved Payment Methods
Saved Payments Method allows senders to save their signers payment method to their payment gateway for future charges, enabling recurring payments and future one-...
Docusign Apps Launcher: Why am I unable to see values for the merge fields?
For customers using Docusign eSignature for Salesforce with the Docusign Apps Launcher managed package, the values for the merge fields do not appear on the Add F...
How to disable location tracking during signing?
Learn how to disable Recipients from being prompted to allow their browser to share/track their location.
Troubleshooting and Help
Troubleshooting and help for the most common issues Docusign customers encounter with eSignature, administration, account and billing, and more. Read the helpful ...
How do I auto-navigate an envelope?
Help your signers navigate more purposefully through Documents by setting Auto-Navigation settings.
Why does Docusign request my location information when signing a document?
Sharing your location information is a browser related setting that is not mandatory. Docusign does not require that signers share their location information in o...
Why am I not getting Docusign SMS texts?
Follow these steps to troubleshoot why you may not be getting Docusign SMS texts on your mobile device.
Sending and Signing with eHanko
Read this article to learn more about signing and sending with Docusign eHanko.
Payments: Envelope won’t load for Signer
Learn how to identify and troubleshoot issues where a Docusign envelope with a Payments field does not load for the signer.
I see the error, "recipient must have an active account"
Learn what to do if you see the error "cannot connect to server" or "recipient must have an active account" while trying to access a Docusign document from a link...
What do I do if Docusign misreads my ID?
Learn what you can do if Docusign misreads an ID during Identity Verification and someone is unable to sign.
FAQ: Email link expiration
Read this article to learn the answers to frequently asked questions about Docusign email link expiration.
Express Service Announcement: Enhanced Express Capabilities Under a new Core Signing Engine
The Express signatures feature will be replaced by the Core Signing Engine which is a new digital signing service which will enhance the current express signing e...
Locate an envelope access code to sign
Does your document require an access code? Read this article to learn how to find it.
Emails received on envelopes that have been signed | Docusign eSignature
Email reminders continue for envelopes that were signed and completed. When an envelope is signed on a mobile device, if the cookies settings are not set to allow...
Locate a Docusign envelope ID
Read this article to learn where to find a Docusign envelope ID number.
What is the difference between "Send with Docusign" and "Sign with Docusign"?
Send with Docusign is used when you want to send a document to gather signatures or information FROM someone. You, as the sender, can also be a signer on document...
How do I sign a document using a non-default browser?
Right-click on the Review Documents link in your email notification. Select Copy Hyperlink. Paste the copied URL, into any alternate browser. 
How do I get signing Session Information?
From within the signing session, navigate to Other Actions > Session Information to view the dialog
Known driver libraries supported for signing with signer-held digital certificates
Lists of the known supported drivers for signer-held devices to be used in DocuSign on Windows and Mac OS computers. If the driver is not in this list and you're ...